sunday worship / 11:30amAt the very heart of what we do is our Sunday worship where we gather to sing, pray, read and learn about the good news of Jesus.
You would be more than welcome to come along any Sunday at 11:30am There's no dress code, just come in whatever you are comfortable wearing. You'll get a warm welcome at the door and shown into the main church. There are no set seats so feel free to sit anywhere. Our service normally runs until 12:45. During the service we spend time singing (praising God) led by our worship teams, praying (talking to God) led by various members of the church family and also being taught from the Bible (hearing from God) led by our minister or another speaker. There is creche available for babies and toddlers through the service, and our primary aged children go out to Sunday Club (age specific programme) part way through the service. On the first Sunday of the month we have an 'all age service' where we all stay together for a shorter, simpler service. |
OUR SERVICEWe stream our services live on our YouTube channel and they are archived there., so if you haven't been before you can have a look and see what you can expect.
our teachingWe're currently letting Jesus "Teach Us to Pray" as we work our way through the Lord's Prayer and find that this little prayer prays for big things
OUR MUSICOur music is led by one of our worship teams and we use a mixture of old and new songs which are singable, understandable and rich in truth. Have a listen to some of the songs we regularly sing.